Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Creating My Dream Life Through Online Marketing
Creating My Dream Life Through Online Marketing
I’ve chosen the tagline “Creating My Dream Life Through Online Marketing” for this blog.
What a dream life is for me won’t be the same as it is for you.
I long to have time for my grand-kids, for my horses, for being outdoors and experience life full on. I hate being obliged to be indoors between certain hours of the day.
I’d love to have a small property where I can live with my horses outside my kitchen window, and where my kids and their families can come and stay. And yes, there is a prepper component to it as well.
And I have to admit, I’m not good with authorities. I want to be my own boss.
So what is my plan to achieve all this?
Like I heard a successful person say – hope is not a strategy.
So I’m not gonna hope I will achieve my dreams, I need to plan for it and create a strategy. And I have to take action on that strategy every single day.
I don’t recommend this, but I’m actually pursuing three different paths.
I’ve been online aiming to make money for many years. I have been making some money previously, but very far from what I want and desire. However, I have gained some experience and believe I can juggle more than one activity. If not, I will put one of them on hold or abandon it altogether.
So this is what I’ll be doing, and I will tell you more about each one in coming posts.
So I’ve planted my flags. These are the endeavours I will pursue to reach my goal and create my dream life.
Thinking about this makes me happy and filled with energy and determination.
One more thing.
Like so many of us having a desire to have success online, I have spent thousands of dollars buying courses over the years. Way too many thousand. I’m not in debt, but I have spent my savings.
What I have learnt though, is that once you find a business model you are certain works, it’s all up to you.
Nobody’s coming to rescue me, or you. We have to take action, be consistent, and never ever see failures as fatal. They are truly only opportunities to learn and find new ways forward.
To our success, Katrin
Awesome post! I like that you’re sharing your dreams with so much clarity. For myself, I am still working on getting clear on what I really, really want. I do believe that is key to achieving them.
Thank you, it does feel good to be clear about what I want. I always know why I want to keep going even when it feels like I can’t.
Very true, once you find a business model that works, it’s up to you. In the past, I have the bad habit of jumping from one model to the next every few weeks or every few months. Nowadays, I asked myself whether it is a business model that I am willing to stick to for at least the next 5 years before I commit to it.